Monday, March 14, 2011


471.  the Hope of Heaven.
472.  the way the Lord works through loss of people you love.
473.  the parable of the prodigal son.
474.  this book.
475.  this book.
476.   a pink sleeping bag, good books, bright sunshine and cool breezes.
477.  continuing my gratitude list.
478.  a friend that has taught me how to let loose and have fun.
479.  five mommas and one girl against 6 boys.
480.  we dominated.
481.  i totally did not feel 37.
482.  i played with no shoes and in a skirt. (oh, yes i did.)
483.  thankful that my friends love me even though i have no dancing skills.
484.  windows down and music playing.
485.  that fear and gratitude cannot exist at the same time.
486.  His blood commands my guilt to leave.
487.  the way Lawson gets down from her bed to say her prayers on her knees.
488.  how she asked me tonight where her aunt susu and uncle davis live in the middle of her prayer.
489.  how i have no idea what she prayed for. and that makes my heart smile because it is between her and Jesus.  i love that.
490.  this verse.


Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

What a wonderful list. Love that windows down weather is coming soon! #487... how sweet!

Margie said...

I picked up One Thousand Gifts today. Thought of you :)

Susan Ozier said...

Oh sweet Lawson!! I love that she thinks of us during her prayers!! LOVE YOU!

Lorien said...

I heart you, your bare feet & mad dancing skillz.

Head Lima Bean said...

my kids keep busting out in 'who let the dogs out?!?' in the van and i can only think of you and 'our song' ...