Monday, May 9, 2011


620.  The lady without a name.  She does have a name.
621.  A friend of mine (who I didn't even know reads my blog) told me she knew the lady I met in the Kroger parking lot.
622.  This is not a coincidence.  This is God.  And He is that Big.
623.  finishing this book
624.  Lawson.
625.  the sweetest Mother's Day.
626.  running a 10k in 1 hour.  at age 37.
627.  did I just say 37?
628.  happy for my friends who are graduating from graduate school.  actually accepted that wasn't the road the Lord had for me.  He taught me a lot during that one semester.  One being sometimes the answer is yes and sometimes it is no.  But, thank you for following Me.  I will follow You, Lord.  In the yes and the no.


Brooke Turner said...

you run too!? we need to run together sometime! and a 10k in an hour is amazing. you would leave me in your dust :) haha! Love your blog! So refreshing!

Traci Michele said...

Precious photos! I'm following your blog now.

On another note, will you vote for my blog? It only takes a second. Thanks, Traci