My washer and dryer have been broken for almost 2 weeks.
He has provided the most amazing friends who let me do my laundry at their house.
Or they do it for me.
Or my sweet hubby takes the kids to the laundry mat while I am at the beach.
Thank you.
From the bottom of my heart.
My dad started radiation. He seems to be tolerating it pretty well.
He called me on Valentine's Day.
That made my day.
Not to mention the precious Valentine's I had at home:)
Mac told me tonight that I was beautiful.
Precious. Sweet. Boy.
I love you.
Lawson told me she loved me more than the sky.
Then today when I picked her up from school,
they were in line for the fire drill and she
mouthed the words I love you.
And her teacher saw her do it.
A husband who loves me, even when I mess up continuously.
Who is my rock. My shelter in times of anxiousness.
Who points me to the Lord. Mainly because I see Him in him.
My momma. She is one strong, tough and beautiful woman.
Who loves the Lord.
Who raised four girls.
Who really helped shape me into the woman I am today.
Although she will tell you that she thought at one point I might not turn out so great.
Hince, boarding school. (I will have to do a separate post on this one.)
I just am in awe by how the Lord is so tenderly loving me right now.
I pray that I will be able to show His love to others' just as they have done for me.
I am truly humbled by all of my many blessings.
Straight from the Lord.
Thank you.
Thank You for how You love me.