Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I didn't realize that my number of views would increase so much when I decided to put my blog on my Facebook page......who was I kidding? hehe:) If you have found my blog through Facebook or other blogs that I follow, could you please just let me know who you are? I started this blog to journal about my feelings and share them with my mom and sister's. Then I just felt this pull to open up my heart and let it all out:) To not be ashamed of what the Lord is doing in my life. For those of you that "know" me, know that I am usually an open book. But, I have found in my new journey as a Christian it is sometimes hard to talk about how I really feel. These writings are very personal. So, do you mind just letting me know who you are?



Barkley said...

Hey Allison! You know I am a blog stalker just like your sister taught me to be ;) Hope all is some pics of those beautiful kiddos! Hope to see you soon!

amiep said...

Hey Allison, I found your blog through facebook the other day. I tel you, your words truly spoke to me. I was so uplifted after reading your journey. I was saved about 5 years ago and at that time I was so lost and conflicted.
I so admire you for writing your feelings down. I have such good intentions about doing that and It seems I never follow through.
I also love reading about your journey as a Mom. My husband I decided not to have children, it just wasn't meant for us, but I admire all parents and love watching Jamie teach and help shape Amelia and Lila who they are to become.
Anway..enough of me gabbing. Just wanted to let you know that you are awesome and hope you are having a great Wednesday!

Amie Long Phillips