Sunday, March 30, 2008

Isaiah 12:2

"I will trust and not be afraid".

Thank you Lord, for leading me to this scripture this week. I repeated this numerous times a day and I have made it. Made it through a really rough week. One that I thought could not pass by quick enough. Monday was a day of anxious thoughts for me. Not feeling quite right. I was able to get in to see my doctor and she changed my medicine. I was also able to see my therapist two times this week. I am so thankful that Anna and Gregg were here. We had such a good time:)

It seems that my body physiologically does not know how to handle stress or fears. So, when I feel these emotions is when I get anxious and nothing seems to make sense. All because of what happened that day at the farm with Joe. It changed me. Now, I have to confront some very painful things in order to move on. To move forward. I am trusting. I am trusting in Him. I give Him the glory. I am not angry in the least. If anything I am looking forward to this journey and discovering more about my Lord. I am finding that I am looking to Him more and more everyday. And everyday is a little bit better. It is still hard, but that is life in the fallen world.

Today in church, Dr. Ferguson preached on "What is the chief end of man?" The chief end of man is to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever. I love this. I love it, because everything we do should be to glorify God. And in glorifying Him we enjoy Him. This is what I am working towards. I want nothing more than to delight and enjoy our Lord even if it means that I have to go through the suffering to do this.

"I will trust and not be afraid."

Thank you Lord, for being with me this week. Thank you for leading me to the right people to help me get through the hard stuff. Thank you for letting me know that everything is going to be ok, and if it isn't ever totally fixed that I can trust in You and You will take care of me. I want to live a joyful life in You. I want to glorify You. You are the only One that can do what You have done in my life. The Only One. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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